According to what little I can find on the net, the Nove Otto poetic form is a poetry form created by Scott J. Alcorn. It is a nine-lined poem with eight syllables per line (isosyllabic). The rhyme scheme is as follows: aacbbcddc.
Here's my attempt to use this style. Hope you enjoy.
Without Fear
Twisting twirling whirling feet
No music they'd decline to meet
My girls, they dance.
Around and round in frenzied rapture.
No word or picture can truly capture
The way that they entrance.
My babies, my joys, my one true thing
Your freedom, it begs my heart to sing
and believe in taking chances.
I can't tell you how glad to see the Eclectic Cafe warming up and rifling poems out left and right. This one is beautiful. Have you read it to your girls? Will you read it on their wedding days?
Dave, thanks for your comment and your continued support. I truly appreciate it. I may indeed one day read it at their weddings, but for now I'm more than happy capturing their little moments as best I can.
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