Anywho (that's right, I said it. I said "Anywho".) try it on for size.
Hot Today
The closet door stands open
bathed in the light of the morning sun.
It's going to be hot today.
In your bed,
I am,
for a few moments,
bleary eyed
hung over
cotton mouthed.
Now that
the smell of beer and booze are nothing more than stale exhalations,
Now that
it's quiet and I can no longer taste your sweat on my tongue,
I wait for acuity to return.
I like to pretend
I am not one of the flaming lost.
That my disposition is not so sanguine
and my thoughts don't tend to loiter
in unsavory bars
and back alleys
where the real action seems to be.
I like to pretend
it's not so far from pretty
inside my pretty little head.
That it's not all simple mastication
verbal defecation
mental masturbation
a fucking Calligulan affair.
Stuck with words and ideas and
I like to pretend
that hearts are stout
and Faith doesn't slump
against the dank and moldy walls.
That my unions are
and it's not my God who's dead.
Perhaps I'll stage a seance
to find out how this all ends.
The closet door stands open
bathed in the light of the morning sun.
It's going to be hot today.
Powerful doubts there. Well done.
Thanks Mark. You have the honor (dubious honor?) of being the first person to ever leave a comment on my long neglected blog. Thanks again. Comments like that are inspiring.
It sure is hot!
BTW. you need to leave a live link at RWP, not just the title of your poem. Just copy/paste the permalink!
acuity of touch
kristen the atmosphere of this poem reeks of a long night drinking lagers and sucking marlboros. S4 a particular gem, "mastication, defecation, masturbation", just rolls right off the bourbon soaked tongue. the somber conclusion wraps this nicely. very much enjoyed. -lawrence
Good poem..powerful and raw.Best get back to my knitting and wipe my brow with my crochet hanky...very hot!
very nice
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