Well, in a bit of a departure, I'm just updating rather than posting anything substantial. Though, I do have a piece I'm currently working on and will probably post later in its current incarnation.
Currently, it's 11 something p.m. here in the Eastern Time Zone and I'm checking email, reading other peoples work, checking out opportunities on Helium.com and enjoying a frosty cold Pepsi (I prefer Coke, but I'll drink what's on sale) and some quiet time.
Tonight I read my good friend Dave Jarecki and listened to his music at Davejarecki.com. If you're a poet, writer, intellectual, talker, listener, enjoyer of all that is good in the writing world - check this guy out. He's out of Portland by way of my hometown in Vacuum Valley, and he is phenomenal. Dave has his work and the works of other talented writers on his site in addition to interviews and his music tracks. It's definitely worth the trip into cyberspace.
After you check out Dave's work, you should take a trip and visit Ryan & Matt Mayers, two more hugely talented friends of mine at Funnyordie.com. This installment is part one in a serial from a story first shot many years ago. They are bringing the Sheriff back and it's so great to see him.
Anybody looking for information on natural birth would be crazy to miss out on another site done by a friend of mine called Fullmoonsdaughter.com. Courtney has some amazing information out there on natural pregnancy and childbirth. She is hugely passionate about what she does and it shows in every post. Check her site out.
So right now that's about it. Perhaps later I'll write, but for now I'm off to explore a little more.
Life is good.
Takaran Oli Shock Nmax
1 year ago